Bridget’s Story


Here I am with Kyle, my older brother!

“Bridging” the Gap

My journey with this mission did not actually begin with Mallory or Phoebe. Instead, it started with my brother Kyle, who is a Type-1 diabetic (TID) and has his own organization called Kyle’s Campaigns for Change (KCC). Kyle began KCC when he was around the age of 14 just after he was diagnosed with T1D. His mission was to help supply TID children in parts of Africa with diabetic supplies. So that got me thinking about what cool project I will do because I have always wanted to do something just like Kyle.

I started hearing about two Senate Page friends of Kyle who were starting a project to help girls in South Sudan stay in school, and to not quit school just because they were becoming grown up. As soon as I heard about it, I knew that this was exactly the kind of project I was looking for. I reached out to Phoebe and Mallory and they agreed to let me become a part of their project team as the Director of Outreach. I’m in charge of reaching out to contacts in South Sudan and connecting Mallory and Phoebe to important government officials. I hope to be successful in playing my part for this mission to help change the lives of South Sudanese girls.


Mark’s Story (Dr. Thaller)


Behind Our Name