Women and the Constitution
South Sudan’s Constitution of 2011 was established following the creation of the country. SYW has selected three clauses from the document relevant to our work.
Equality Before the Law
“All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law without discrimination as to race, ethnic origin, colour, sex, language, religious creed, political opinion, birth, locality or social status (7).”
Rights of Women
“Women shall be accorded full and equal dignity of the person with men. Women shall have the right to equal pay for equal work and other related benefits with men. Women shall have the right to participate equally with men in public life (8).”
Right to Education
Education is a right for every citizen and all levels of government shall provide access to education without discrimination as to religion, race, ethnicity, health status including HIV/AIDS, gender or disability. All levels of government shall promote education at all levels and shall ensure free and compulsory education at the primary level; they shall also provide free illiteracy eradication programmes (10).”
Women have the legal right to education along with social and political power. However, social barriers prevent women from taking advantage of their full rights under the law. Spread Your Wings is determined to help young girls and women is South Sudan access the resources they need to succeed.